2025 Baseball Renewal Official Mailing

The 2025 Baseball Rules book was mailed Monday, February 10th. Due to the size and weight, there will be two packets that you will receive. Please allow 7-10 business days for the packets to arrive. If you do not receive your packet, please email samantha@mshsaa.org. You can find the link to the NFHS Membership Card and the 2025…

NFHS Softball Rules Changes | 2023

Original article can be found on NFHS.org 1-4-1:  Removes the number of color restrictions on a glove, including laces and seams, and does not allow any panels of the glove to match the color of the ball. Rationale: Gloves and mitts are manufactured in variety of designs and multiple colors. As long as the color of…

Notes from the VP of Softball

At the 2018 all day softball meeting, Francis Howell Head Coach Jenn Beckmann was asked what she wanted to see in a high school umpire. Her response was an umpire that respected the game. Being a “confused” umpire myself, I love umpiring baseball. Then when high school softball moved to the fall, we were able…

New Year…New Ideas

2020 was one of the most unusual years due to everything that occurred with our global crisis. As we press on to 2021, there are so many things to be thankful for and look for-ward to. As we could all agree, we are ready to get back on the field and do what we love.…

The GSLAU 2020 “Boxscore”

While I was composing this letter you are about to read, trying to recollect what has transpired since March of 2020, the most obvious topic that will not go away is the Covid19 pandemic. This virus curtailed the amount of time we as Arbiters have spent on the diamond, and as you are well aware,…

Greater St. Louis Umpires Patch

Batter Up?

Ever since January, and then as we were getting closer to Spring, I couldn’t wait to attend the planned training clinics, the rules meetings, and the Annual GSLAU Banquet. Checking off my equipment needs, and getting that equipment out of storage. Basic preparations for the upcoming Baseball Season.What we are experiencing now instead, is an…