College DH & Trip Card *Download

Adam Minnick a fellow GSLAU Member put together JUCO DH/Trip Card for 2021 that can be used during the game to keep track of defensive and offensive conferences/changes smoothly and accurately.  Junior College DH/Trip Card | 2021 for use with Avery5388. Thanks Adam and good luck this season to all the JUCO Umpires!  

The GSLAU 2020 “Boxscore”

While I was composing this letter you are about to read, trying to recollect what has transpired since March of 2020, the most obvious topic that will not go away is the Covid19 pandemic. This virus curtailed the amount of time we as Arbiters have spent on the diamond, and as you are well aware,…

Greater St. Louis Umpires Patch

Batter Up?

Ever since January, and then as we were getting closer to Spring, I couldn’t wait to attend the planned training clinics, the rules meetings, and the Annual GSLAU Banquet. Checking off my equipment needs, and getting that equipment out of storage. Basic preparations for the upcoming Baseball Season.What we are experiencing now instead, is an…

2018 High School Softball Fall State Championships

GSLAU umpires Bob Frischmann (left) and Charles Underwood (center) were selected by MSHSAA to officiate the state championship Oct. 26-27 in Springfield, MO. It was Underwood’s third trip to the Final Four, and Frischmann’s first. Their crew umpired the 3A state championship game between Mexico High and Oak Grove (K.C.), a game that was scoreless…

Congratulations to Bill Rademacher

Bill is a Veteran Umpire in the Greater St. Louis Umpires Association and Midwest Umpires Association for over 35 years. He has umpired Metro Conference, Missouri Valley Conference, Conference USA and Big 8 Division I baseball games including several post-season assignments. He has worked the MSHSAA State Championships and various Division II, III and NJCAA…